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Work Visa for China details

Processing your working visa in China? full details of the process below.

How to prepare your documents for processing a working visa in China

After interviewing with a prospective employer and signing a contract the process in your home country for a working visa should be as follows:-

a.) Your Working Visa Medical Check    
    Medical for foreigners before entering china Medical check for foreigners before entering China        
    Make an appointment with your GP/doctor/hospital or nearest medical practice/hospital for a full medical report. The report must be completed on this sheet (click here to view) with a signature and stamp of your GP/Hospital. Make sure you get them to stamp/seal on it too as only a signature of your GP/Doctor may not be accepted by the labor bureau in China.


→ TIP: There's no need to fully complete the Chest X-Ray/ECG scans (These cost around $200USD/150GBP) as these are done again in China anyway (unless you know there may be a problem with this part of your health). You only need to make sure your doctor marks these sections N/A on the form. The authorities in China do not fully recognize the foreign medical check and it's only used to pre screen candidates to give a preliminary Health OK before candidates make the full trip to China. If you think there may be a problem with your health, make sure you have this fully checked out and cleared before you leave for China. 

b.) Prepare your BA Degree copy
Prepare your unaltered, clear without any changes BA Degree certificate, Transcripts are not necessary. You must get an apostle on your BA degree from the Chinese embassy in the country in which you graduated. This apostle does not expire so you can prepare this well in advance if you're planning to teach in China in the future. Generally, you'll need to find a local Notary Lawyer / Solicitor who will check your original Degree certificate and then apply for the Apostle at the nearest Chinese embassy on your behalf. Usually a quick Google search will show local notaries who can help you with this. 

→ TIP: If you hold a higher qualification than a BA degree, and that qualification was issued within 2 years of the date you apply for the visa in China, Please send your BA degree only. If you latest qualification was issued within 2 years of your apply date the authorities in China may ask you for proof of 2 years post-graduate work experience (Which must come after the date you last graduated) although backwards, it's going to be far easier to use your BA degree only if you come under this situation.

→ TIP: If your full name on your BA degree does not match your passport exactly e.g. Nick on your BA degree and Nicholas in your passport can cause an issue. You will probably need an additional letter from immigration or your university confirming your name is the same as it is on your BA degree. 

c.) Prepare your Resume or CV 
Be careful here, your Resume or CV for your working visa is probably going to be different to your usual resume. If you have worked in China without a working visa before, do not write this on your resume. Write you were working in your home country or Hong Kong instead. Make sure the dates from the top (Your most recent employer) Match perfectly down to 5+ years. When you list another employer ensure the dates co-inside without gaps. E.g. Employer 1. Present – Jan 2014 Employer 2, Jan 2014-May 2010. If there were gaps in your employment history you must write (Not working) and the dates making sure these match too.  
List your qualifications you are providing certificates for at the top. The authorities will want to see your most recent qualification, if you cannot get certificates of the most recent qualification listed on your resume you should not list it at all. Even if you've already told your employer you have this. Try to keep your education and experience as basic as possible in order to keep your application supporting documents as simple as possible. 

d.) Your TEFL/TESOL copy 
If you're applying for a teaching position and your BA is not in an education related field you must complete an online tefl and supply this. Use a clear color scan of this document,no notary or any additional work to be done on this one.

e.)  Employment Intention letter OR employment contract 
Some employers do this a little differently, although they should all offer you a contract, they may not offer an employment intention letter. If an employment intention letter is offered to you, sign it on each page and make sure you sign it with the same signature in your passport. If you receive an employment contract instead of intention letter sign all pages as well. Scan this back to your employer. An employment intention letter is not legally or contractually binding, the full contract will probably be sent to you and signed at the time of accepting an offer as well.

NOTE: If you do not receive a contract within 1 week of working make sure you ask for this and have the company seal (Red stamp) on the last page.

f.) Copy of the photo page of your passport

A Full unaltered copy of this page is required to process your working visa. Ensure your passport has at least 18-months validity on it and at least (2) Blank visa pages.


g.) Criminal background check (CRC)

As of April 1st 2017 China requires a Criminal Background check for all new work visa applications. Criminal background checks are issued by local police stations in your home country, in the USA get a Criminal background check from your local Police station, in the UK apply for a 'Basic disclosure' on this website. Criminal background checks must be legalized by the Chinese embassy in your home country. 





Article Author: Attilio Infante
Date: 02/02/2018 08:28
Views: 18140

Attilio Infante, the owner of Find Work Abroad, has processed over 150x working visas in Guangzhou.

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