Shanghai will not dissappoint when it comes to food. The local Shanghai cuisine is exquisit and the international food is fabulous. With imported, fresh, well-prepared ingredients it certainly doesn't feel like Chinese cuisine when you're in Shanghai.


Our Recommendations:-

T8 Restaurant

Type: Fusion     
Address: Xintiandi, House 8, North Block Xintiandi, Lane 181 Taicang Rd
Telephone: +86 (21) 6355-8999     
Opening times: Daily, 11.00am - 2.30pm and 6.30pm - 11.30pm     
T8 was named by Conde Naste as one of the top 50 restaurants in the world. T8 is housed in a "Shikumen" house (1920's Shanghai style) in the Xintiandi touristy area of Shanghai. The decor is rustic, yet comfortable. Open kitchen. Grey brick floors. And the cuisine is designed with food connoiseurs in mind. Creative and very palatable.


Da Marco Italian Restaurant    
Type: Italian     
Address: 103 Dong Zhu An Bang Road Golden Bridge Garden (between Zhen Ning Rd and Jiang Su Rd)
Telephone: +86 (21 ) 6210-4495     
Opening hours: Daily 12 noon to 11.00pm
Everyone who lives in Shanghai knows Da Marco's. They now have more than one branch in the city. People in Shanghai all know that Italian food is imported, and thus is some of the most expensive cuisine in the city. Da Marco's is one of the only, quite good quality Italian restaurants which does not charge an arm and a leg. We heard about Da Marco's originally through some Italians in town - they were raving about it. We have heard a few criticisms of the place, that it's not so authentic, etc. But, you know what, most people seem to appreciate Da Marco's. So if you want a pretty decent and not-so-expensive Italian meal in Shanghai, Da Marco's is a good bet.


Date published: 01/01/1970 00:00 Page views: 3075