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China cities and locations information

China cities and locations information

China is becoming more and more influential in our world today. Being the 3rd largest country size in the world and the 2nd most populated, China is the place of the future.

Living in China is very different to the life back home. It's not likely you will have a car, or need one. Cities are significantly larger and taller than any of the biggest cities back home. Comparing Shanghai's 23 million population to London's 8 million. The life and people are fun and positive, generally non-materialistic and money orientated and the food is far better than that of your local Chinese restauarant.

Nightlife and recreation is a clear winner compared with back home in China, you'll feel constantly welcomed and the Chinese people are generally very honoured to have foreigners visit their country. Bars and Nightclubs are super-high class, brand new, cheap and always busy. In some cases (if you are good-looking) you may feel like a minor celebrity just walking around especially in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities such as Zhuhai.

If you're looking to come to China and not sure if it's for you it's essential to be open minded and easy going when you get here. The experience you'll gain dropping your life at home and coming to China will stay with you forever. You'll learn more, and develop further than you've ever done in your life before. If you're working the 9 to 5 in your home country and have been doing so for a while it's probable you'd benefit from a change. If you like Chinese people, their food and you are willing to open your mind beyond what's written online about China then you'll wish you'd made the decision to come here sooner.

Our Recommendations:-

First Time To China?

It would be a good decision to choose a 2nd tier city, or suburb of a 1st tier city if you're coming to China for the first time.

Good places to start:

          * Huadu District, Guangzhou city

          * Zengcheng District, Guangzhou (Phoenix city)

          * Foshan City

          * Zhuhai City

          * Dalian City

          * Qingdao City

          * Xi'an City

          * Xiamen City


Feeling adventurous?:

          * Baotou city (Inner mongolia)

          * Harbin city (North)


Been to China for a year already?

           * Guangzhou, Tian he, Yue xiu District (Central)

           * Shenzhen city

           * Beijing city

           * Shanghai city




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Categories: china home cities life tier back people chinese beijing guangzhou qingdao shenzhen

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